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RV Accessories to Check Before Your Trip
October 11, 2023

If you own an RV, you likely have a few different accessories and trailer parts that you've replaced more than once. According to Go RVing, there are 11.2 million households in the US that own an RV. Let's take a closer look at RV accessories you should inspect and replace before a long trip.

Hub Drums and Brakes

RVs weigh a lot and the braking system on your vehicle withstands a lot of wear and tear. You might find that your brakes and hub drums wear out more often than you expect. These are equipment needs that can't be ignored. It's important to find a reputable company that can provide replacement parts and accessories for your entire brake system. Before you head out on the road, it's always a good idea to have your brakes checked and replace any parts as needed. If you're going on a long trip, it's a smart idea to bring some replacement parts along.

Towing and Safety Equipment

There's a lot of safety equipment to consider when you own an RV. When it comes to commonly replaced RV accessories, some of the most frequently replaced are related to towing and safety. If you've ever been in a situation where you needed to have your RV towed, you understand just how essential this equipment is. Don't be left on the side of the road because you don't have the towing and safety equipment you need. These pieces of equipment should be a part of your trip checklist. Now's an ideal time to order any missing items.

Lighting Equipment

The interior lighting equipment in your RV is an essential part of maintaining your safety and comfort. RVs have a lot of lights both inside and on the exterior of the vehicle such as porch lights, tail lights, and ceiling lights. Extra bulbs and trailer parts will help you stay on the road while maintaining safety. Don't leave home without these essential accessories as no one wants to be left in the dark.

These are a few RV parts you should check frequently and replace as needed if you're planning to go out on the road soon. The next time you need to replace accessories for your RV or need trailer parts, Richfield Trailer Supply is here for you. Contact us today to learn more about our products and services and how we can help you stay out on the road safely and comfortably. We look forward to hearing from you soon!

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