Trailer Parts Are Our Specialty!

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The Most Commonly Replaced Trailer Parts
May 3, 2023

Whether you own your own trailer, or own a business fleet of them, you'll eventually need to replace some trailer parts. While no one can't predict the future, understanding the most common part replacements can at least give you an idea of what to expect. Keep reading to learn more about the most commonly replaced parts on a trailer.


It probably doesn't come as a surprise that trailer tires and wheels are commonly replaced. As with any other vehicle, tires wear down. However, you may need to replace the tires a bit more often on a trailer compared to a car because trailers often haul much heavier loads. The extra weight wears down the tires more quickly. Your trailer tires are important, so don't delay replacing them when you have to.


One of the most commonly replaced parts that are actually unique to trailers is the hitch. This is what allows a trailer to either be pulled or pull other weight, depending on the type of trailer you own. Hitches vary greatly depending on the size of your trailer and how much weight it pulls. According to Family Handyman, the most common size of dump trailer is 14 feet, but there are many types and sizes of trailers out there. It's always good to work with a local trailer parts supply store you trust to ensure you choose the hitch that's right for your trailer.


While all vehicles are required by law to have proper lighting components, they're especially important on a trailer. An unlit trailer is a major safety risk to the driver as well as the other cars on the road. Be sure to regularly check your bulbs and ensure their connectors are in good condition. If a light breaks or malfunctions, visit a trailer parts store right away.


The suspension system is important to every vehicle, but the size and weight of trailers make it particularly susceptible to damage. Especially since trailers often travel long distances, you'll want to ensure the suspension is in good condition. The suspension consists of several different parts, so be sure to inspect each one for signs of rust, loose bolts, and general wear and tear. Your local trailer part store can help you get the right parts to address any concerns you may have with your suspension.

Trailers tend to need special attention and care to ensure their safety on the road. While these are some of the most common replacements, there are all kinds of parts to keep track of. When you need new trailer parts, contact Richfield Trailer Supply.

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